Mangosteen Helps More Migraine Sufferers
Here is a testimonial from a Vemma customer regarding his migraines, and how mangosteen and minerals helped him.
"I used to get three to four severe migraines a month. I've been getting these since I was around 10 years old. These were the full-blown aura and vomit inducing kind. Some would last for days. I've been to many doctors and nobody has a definite answer to it. The only answer that all of them had has been to prescribe some medication and that was that. I have grown up watching my mother suffer from these same migraines. She is frequently in the hospital emergency room or self-inducing Imitrex shots. I decided a long time ago that I would not take medications. They are not the solution. Two months ago I was introduced to mangosteen. Ever since then I have not had a single episode. I had my mother start taking it as well and she also has not had one since either."
Brett -
Another testimonial for migraines helped by mangosteen.
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