
Aloe Vera in Combination Benefits Patients with Heart Disease

Five thousand patients with angina pectoris were studied over a five year period of time. Angina pectoris is the medical term for chest pain or discomfort due to coronary heart disease. During a five year period, the patients diets were supplemented with aloe vera and psyllium husks. What was then observed were numerous indicators showing an improvement in cholesterol balance, such as a reduction in totoal serum cholesterol. At the same time, the clinical profile of these patients showed reduction in the frequency of anginal attacks and a gradual reduction in the use of drugs. The patients most benefitted were diabetics (without adding any diabetic drug). According to the study's author the exact reason behind why the above two substances work is unknown, but may be due to their fiber contents. Both substances need further evaluation. For more information, go to the journal of Angiology, Vol 36, issue 8.
Well, they may not know as much about aloe vera, but we sure do!