
Mangosteen helps prostate problems

Here is a testimonial from a Vemma customer regarding his prostate problems, and how mangosteen and minerals helped him.

Prostate Challenges:
"For 5 years I took an antihistamine and decongestant to battle severe allergies. At the time I was unaware of the study that a large percentage of men who have a prolonged use of the antihistamines will suffer prostate problems. Unfortunately, I became one of these men experiencing symptoms at the age of 38. After two surgeries and years of antibiotics, I still suffered from chronic prostatitis (swollen prostate) which in turn caused continuous bladder infections. Inflammation of the prostate was the underlying cause of these reoccurring symptoms. I took Vioxx and Celebrex until they were withdrawn from the market. I then used 1600 mg. of ibuprofen per day. This helped greatly but caused stomach irritation...I have now been on the product for 8 months and have been off all antibiotics and ibuprofen. In addition I no longer get up 5 to 6 times per night to urinate which allows me better rest. At 43, I am symptom free for the first time in 5 years. For me, the minerals and mangosteen have literally changed my life and health."

Jeff - Illinois

Mangosteen Plus