
Have More Energy with Mangosteen

Here are a few posts from satisfied users of Vemma's Mangosteen Plus and their experience with it related to having more energy:

"Hi, this is Sally from La Mesa, Ca. Over the past five years, I've had five surgeries. The last one being when I broke my leg last summer. I had multiple fractures of the tibial plateau. I dislodged the ACL with the bone still attached. The surgery was very, very devastating. The recovery was very hard on me. It took a lot of energy. I was in a wheelchair for a very long time. I started using the mineral and mangosteen products and was able to get my energy back and my recovery sped up. In fact, my M.D. told me that I was recovering in half the time of anybody half my age. I was really excited about that. The recovery was going along quite nicely. Then, unfortunately, when I was on the road I picked up some e-coli poisoning. That just really nailed my energy. I lost fourteen lbs. in four days. I mean I was totally zapped. I started doubling up on the minerals and mangosteen and that got me back up on my feet. I was able to drive my motor home back home after suffering such a devastating challenge with the e-coli. After I got back home I got back in the pool and started doing physical therapy for my leg again. Because of the minerals and mangosteen, my physical therapy turned into workouts. I've just gotten so much energy back and I feel so great I was able to qualify for the Senior Olympics next month. I just thank the mineral and mangosteen products for giving me my health and my energy back. I just wouldn't know what to do with out it!"

Sally - California

"I stumbled into mangosteen as I was browsing through the Internet. Mangosteen is known to me since childhood, and I haven't seen them anywhere in the US. It intrigued me. One thing led to another and I ordered the product. I noticed the energy it gave me, and yet I only took one "shot" a day. I can continue work without taking a break after lunch."

Esther -

Have you treied it yet? Buy mangosteen here.