Having a healthy body image is very crucial to weight loss. Seeing the models with a slick figure does not help the normal person with their body image since Hollywood has made a point of expressing that only stick thin people are attractive. Yet this is far from the truth. Many people enjoy others who have more weight and appear to be healthier. Do not believe what Hollywood tries to express as acceptable; remember Hollywood is really make believe.
Learn to love the body you have. Accept the flaws of nature and the ones you have created. Start by standing completely nude in front of full-length mirror. Focus on the assets and not the negative things you do not like about yourself. What is the best part of your body? It could be the healthy glowing skin. It could be the shape of your legs or arms. It could be your bust. Think about the parts of your body that make you proud.
Learn to wear clothing that show off the parts of your body you are proud of. If you have nice legs, wear shorts, skirts, and dresses that expose those gorgeous legs. If you have nice arms, wear shirts or dresses that show off your assets. Whatever the assets are, use them to improve how you see yourself.
Figure out why you think negatively about your body. What is the root cause? If you have based your opinion on Hollywood, remember those “beautiful people” have most likely had some form of surgery to remove their flaws and imperfections. They were just like you at one point and did not like something about themselves but opted for corrective surgery. That is not the healthy way to deal with the body, learning to love and accept you is.
Make a plan of action to change the things you do not like about yourself. If you want to lose weight, create healthy diet and weight loss plan. If you want to tone up your legs, tummies, or arms, make the decision to get into fitness to change the appearance of those areas.
Accept the assets of your body you do like. Value those areas. Learn that you have plenty of reasons to love yourself as it is without changing those certain areas. Build yourself up mentally about the wonderful aspects of your body. Stop cutting yourself down when you have other things about you that are wonderful.
Do not make any changes to your body you do not want to do. Do not let someone tell you that you need to change how you look if you are happy with you. Whoever is telling the negative things is the one with the problem; it is not you at all.
Learn to appreciate yourself and you will soon realize that you are worth more than you have given yourself credit. Take the time to learn to love yourself and change your life forever.
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Labels: Hollywood, love, models, negative thinking, weight loss
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